Main Page

From original sin


The world is a dark and secret place. Monsters lurk in the night, hidden by shadow and conspiracy.

Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, Changelings, descendants of gods and more haunt the streets of New York City. The throngs of humanity greatly outnumber them. In this, they have come together to form a tenuous pact to exist together and survive another night. The Traditions evolve, the Oath of the Moon bends, to accept a new reality. The All Night Society includes all creatures of the night.


Our server is a supernatural urban fantasy game based on the Chronicles of Darkness with some of the flair of the Old World of Darkness. The role-play style of our server is primarily social and player-based. Players create and explore their own personal storylines. Storytellers run scenes from time to time, but not every scene, giving players more freedom to craft their scenes.

The All Night Society

In New York City, the various supernaturals have come to a provisional truce. Decades ago, they decided it was better to band together than die apart, and formed a haphazard coalition that grew over the years into a city council. The council currently has 8 members who dictate policy for the city's entire supernatural population, turning the few common points between their conflicting interests into laws.

Each member of the council appoints an officer to assist in enforcing their laws within the city, each sheriff being given broad discretion in their methods. The council also selects Judges, when necessary, to oversee any disputes or questions about the interpretation or enforcement of law, and to make final rulings regarding guilt and punishment.

Each supernatural tends view the city council through the lens of their peoples' social structures. They often react in that light, and don't always fully understand each others' motives or logic. The Kindred talk of harpies and trading boons while Changelings treat every vow as a bespoke act of magic. Uratha devote themselves to sacred hunts while scions struggle against the bonds imposed by divinity. Though they do not always understand one another and rarely see eye to eye when they do, the city council has maintained a delicate peace among them.

Over time, each seat on the council changes hands in its own way and the laws of the city shift to reflect this. Through all the changes, two factors always remain: adhere to the terms of all judgements and maintain secrecy and independence from the mortal world.

In the end, the situation is tenuous and imperfect, creating divisions and contingency plans. There are always those who inevitably seek to rail against the system, but they have thus far been the minority, the value of established alliances and the risk in losing them always carrying more weight among those with weight to throw around. More about the All Night Society.


Chronicles of Darkness 2nd edition, Hurt Locker,

Vampire: The Requiem 2nd edition (mechanical rules only), Vampire: the Masquerade V20 (non-mechanical aspects), Vampire Translation Guide,

Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd edition, Fera Translation Guide,

Changeling: the Lost 2nd edition,

Scion: See ST for advanced approval.

Requirements for Play

1. New players will start with a basic mortal for the first 2 weeks. This gives you time to acclimate to the game environment, and to the other players and their play styles. After that 2 week period we can discuss your ideas for other types. Your original mortal can be kept as is, retired or, with storytellers approval, potentially changed into a new type.

2. You must have the ability to connect to Discord.

3. We use PluralKit for the role-play purposes of playing multiple characters. We strongly suggest using it as soon as possible. It is required for playing multiple characters.

Lines and Veils

Some things on this website and gameplay may be inappropriate for children. Please only enter this site if you are 18 or over. We do not claim to be real vampires, hold cultist activities, or any other silly construct sometimes connect to role-play servers. Nothing in this game is based on real people. So please, realize this is a fictional game and take everything in this site as game info or simply with a big grain of salt.

For those that do want to play, understand that we are an LGBTQIA+ and mental health positive server. Our players are a range of people from all walks of life who often want to explore adult themes and storylines. We do not discriminate against people who want to play out various adult themes from sex to kink to basically anything else. Roleplay and storylines might include trigger events for some people, including violence, kidnapping, assault, explicit sex, taboo subjects, etc. Please make sure everyone involved is aware and consents to scene elements. If a scene changes or a trigger happens, we encourage people to fade to black or discuss a resolution, and involve Storytellers to help adjudicate when needed.

We understand the nature of Discord means "everyone in all channels" - please mute channels as needed to avoid notifications of scenes you wish to avoid. If you feel something is too plot sensitive for public consumption talk to and ST and we can work out the details of summarizing the information.

Welcome to the Game!